Here is your January Home Maintenance Checklist!
These are essential to-dos for a well cared for and dare we say more durable home!
Consistent and thoughtful home maintenance can keep your home a place you LOVE to live! While it's not the “sexy” part of home related content, it is relevant and very much needed.
I hope the tips and tricks that I share in this blog will inspire you to begin! I think starting is often the hardest.
If you want to chat about what I cover please shoot me a message on IG or publish a post in our Facebook Private Group – Home Imagined. We would love to continue the conversation with you!
January To-Do List
Hot Tip – Save this image and keep it on your phone or print it out, for your January Home Maintenance Checklist.
Home maintenance is important because it helps to prevent costly repairs + improves your home's safety, comfort, and durability.
Pro tip: add two to your calendar per week and you'll complete the list by January 31st!
Let's Talk About Dryer Vent Cleaning:
Have you cleaned your dryer vent lately or ever?
If not, I recommend cleaning your vents professionally because they will also do your dryer {it's worth it}. Moving forward you can vacuum the vent out quarterly, make sure you have a solid vent, not flex tube. Lint gets caught on flex and clogs more.
Home Depot has some great resources available! Clean Dryer Vent
A few To Do's That Aren't Home Related, but Life Related
Let's have a little fun too! Get out and make the most of the time you have with the ones you LOVE. It's not only about learning to LOVE where you LIVE, but also LOVING your LIFE too!
*PS – want to know what to do each and every month to keep your home maintained? You need to grab our Home Care + Improvement Planner! This step-by-step 30+ page comprehensive workbook is your guide to home maintenance and project planning!