Picking a paint color that you love is one of the most important decisions when designing or redecorating a space. It sets the tone for the entire room and can influence the way you feel in that space. It can be tricky to pick the right color especially when Sherwin-Williams has over 1,700 paint color options to choose from!
I'm going to share my top picks for 2025 + the tried and true favorites that I think I'll always like and recommend to clients.
2025 Favorite: Tricorn Black
This color has always been one of my favorites. I'm starting to see more and more of our clients interested in dark/moody colors. I just painted my home office this color. I've seen it used subtly (like the bottom of an island) and not so subtly – an entire room or kitchen cabinets (*see picture above).
Details: Tricorn Black SW 6258
2025 Favorite: Loggia
This is a new favorite that hasn't been on my radar until recently when I used it on the walls of a kitchen remodel. It's described as a warm stone gray. Looks great with white-painted cabinetry in a kitchen or bathroom. *Pictured to the left – the cabinetry is painted Pearly White.
Details: Loggia SW 7506

My Go-To Paint Color List
Yep, you see Tricorn Black on this list too! I guess that is just how much I love that color 😉
This list didn't come easily – it took years and years of painting walls, cabinets, doors + more to truly see and experience them in homes.
Click below for information on each color:
Picking a Color: My Tips
-Make a list of the colors you don't like
-Think about what inspires you. Is it nature? A painting? A picture of another home that you like?
-Don't buy a bunch of little paint cans of your top choices. Instead, use Samplize so you can get large peel & stick paint samples! I can't recommend this enough!

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Skip the decision fatigue. Let our team present you with the best options. After we meet with you, we'll be able to narrow down the choices for you. Since we do this all the time, we know the best brands, styles & colors. We have a ton of experience with color, flooring type, backsplash options, accent wall best practices and more!
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