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R&R is Good for the Soul - MeshedDesigns
Spring Cleaning and Organization Tips from MeshedDesigns

I felt inspired this week to write about the importance of a little R&R.  This phrase can stand for “rest & relaxation” or “rest & rejuvenation” or any other relaxing “r” word you can think of.  The point is we all need to take time to rest, relax and recharge! Am I always good at this? I will admit no but I'm trying to get better! And that's all any of us can do…right? 

This is one way I enjoy relaxing – putting together a puzzle! I got this while we were at the Haugen Family Reunion.  Terry Redlin puzzles are gorgeous and a favorite of mine! 

Brad also recently embraced R&R 😉 The 5 am departure for state trap shooting caught up with him a bit! We love supporting our boys in their activities.  This was a beautiful sunny day and both boys shot really well.  As always, we are proud parents!

I hope this has inspired you to find some R&R – it's so important! You can't pour from an empty cup.